Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ain't No Party Like a Massive Software Party

...Because where else will you find drunken synchronized swimmers? Seriously, they were blasted. And not very synchronized. Unfortunately, my camera died before I could capture the fully inebriated glory, but here's a shot of the beautiful crowd (or, about 1/5 of it) -

Also, fire makes me totally HOT. Get it? Like, sexy hot. (HAWT, if you will). ...Ha! I am so clever with wordplay!

<----Teh Sexxxxay. One drink later, and hawter still -

Many thanks to my industry hook-up! High five FREE DRINKS and FOOD. *Emphatic Fist Pump, Arsenio-Hall-Dogg Pound-Whooof*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we so hot! we start fires! oowww!